This blog is meant to provide information on: "Business Documents", but specifically talk about "the INVOICE," a very important document, and widely used by traders, to have a clear accounting of its sales, and buyers likewise, have a support of what they buy. I hope this information is helpful.

4.7.- Chapter VII Series of temporary use of the sales receipt.

Article 35. - Temporary use of series. - Temporary use is authorized in a series
originally assigned to a particular emission point in the following cases:
a) Citing the establishment to which was assigned the number corresponding to the emission point change of address. provided that such change has been declared, the Internal Revenue Service. The authorization shall only about
to documents in existence at the date of the change-
b) For temporary fairs and exhibitions:

c) Where any case not covered by letters inside prior evaluation and approval of the Internal Revenue Service.
In all cases of temporary use of a series, by any mechanism must provide the address of the new emission point.