This blog is meant to provide information on: "Business Documents", but specifically talk about "the INVOICE," a very important document, and widely used by traders, to have a clear accounting of its sales, and buyers likewise, have a support of what they buy. I hope this information is helpful.

4.2.- Chapter II types of proof and emission of opportunities

Section 3. - Support tax credit. - To exercise the right to tax credit in the case of VAT, valid only consider bills, shopping settlements acquiring goods or services, tickets issued by the aviation companies for the air transportation of persons and vouchers issued by insurance companies Ias Ias and telecommunications companies.Also sustain those tax credit of sale as may be expressly authorized. by resolution by the Internal Revenue Service.
Section 4. - Support costs or expenses. - To support costs or expenses for the purposes of the determination and payment of income tax, only be considered ascertain vouchers valid in Articles 1 and 3, provided they meet all the requirements of this Regulation.
Section 5. - Opportunity for the use and emission of sale. - Vouchers for sale listed in Article 1, shall be used or issued under the rules contained in Articles 6 to 12.
Section 6. - Invoices. - Invoices will be issued in the following cases:a) When the operations are conducted to transfer assets or provide services to companies or individuals who are entitled to the use of tax credits and,b) In export operations.
Section 7. - Notes or tickets for sale. - Will be issued notes or receipts from operations only consumers or end users.
Article 8. - Overstock purchases of goods or services. - Thesettlement of purchases of goods or services the purchaser the issue in the following cases:a) In the case of procurement of goods or services to individualsnot required to issue sales receipts.
b) The deemed liquidation purchases, if applicable, the Taxadded that will be retained and paid for the voucher, and,c) In all circumstances where the IRS deems necessary to allow the acquirers.
Section 9. - Tickets or vouchers issued by cash registers. - Will be issued tickets or vouchers issued by cash registers in transactions with consumers or end users.
Article 10. - Documents authorized. - Documents are authorized, provided thatidentify the purchaser or user by its identification number or unique registration Taxpayers, or trade names, and discriminates the value added tax, the following:a) Tickets issued by the airlines for air transportation of persons, and,b) Documents issued by insurance companies that are under control of the Superintendency of Banks and telcos.It considers only authorized documents, costs or expenses to support the purposes of income tax, provided that identify the purchaser or user by its unique registration number Taxpayers, full name or company name, as follows:a) Travel tickets issued by companies of public passenger transport,b) Documents issued by banks, financial institutions and receivables that are not under the control of the Superintendency of Banks;c) Settlement issued by the stock exchanges or brokers for performing operations,d) licenses and vehicle registrations,e) The receipts issued by service providers public supply of electricity, water, sewer and garbage collection;f) The air waybills and bills of lading for the service of international freight air, river and sea, and,g) The tickets, vouchers or receipts for tolls on bridges and roads.No costs or expenses allow for the effect of income tax, or exercise the right to tax credit lottery tickets, raffles and betting and numbered tickets or entries received by attractions or public entertainment in general ..
Article 11. - Credit Notes. - Credit notes will be issued for changes in conditions originally agreed sales, ie to cancel operations make returns, discounts and rebates granted. correct errors or similar cases. They must contain the same requirements and characteristics of sale to which they relate.Credit notes can only be issued to the purchaser or user to modify sales vouchers entitling tax credit. granted previously.Whoever receives the credit note, it must state in its corporate name number. Registry of Taxpayers or certificate of citizenship, date of receipt and, if applicable, the company stamp.The taxpayer has issued credit notes, for any reason,separated from the respective invoices shall submit to the Internal Revenue Service, during the month following the issuance of such a list, identifying beneficiaries with the corporate name and the number of Taxpayers Registry or identification card
Article 12. - Debit Notes. - Debit Notes will be issued to recover costs or expenses, including the interest on arrears or otherwise, incurred by the vendor after the issuance of bills of sale. They must contain the same requirements and characteristics of sale to which they relate and may only be issued at the same purchaser or user to modify sales receipts granted before.

Section 13. - Requirements for credit notes and debit cards. - Credit notes and debit notes should record the serial number of the sales receipts that change.

Section 14. - Opportunity delivery of sales receipts. - Vouchers for sale listed in Article 1 of this Regulation, shall be delivered in the following opportunities:
a) In the transfer of movable at the time the act is performed or sign the contract which has the aim to transfer the domain thereof If the transfer is concerted electronic, telephone, fax or other means similar within the country in which payment is made by credit card or debit card or credit line account before delivery of the goods. proof of purchase must be issued on the date that is perceived income and conveyed with the good;
b) When the line of business is the transfer of real estate, on the date that the perceived, or income on the date of conclusion of the contract whichever is earlier, and,
c) In providing services, leasing, at the time the act is performed or sign the contract having as its object the provision of services or the lease. In the case of the provision of personal and professional services, to be provided for longer than a month and that according to contractual terms be paid by installments or as works progress, the value added tax will be billed and charged for each share ,