This blog is meant to provide information on: "Business Documents", but specifically talk about "the INVOICE," a very important document, and widely used by traders, to have a clear accounting of its sales, and buyers likewise, have a support of what they buy. I hope this information is helpful.

1.- Types of Invoice

Current legislation supports three types of billing invoices, due to their requirements and functions. It is necessary to know each of these types as could resultarnos quite useful.

The bill we are more used is the ordinary invoice. This is the document that serves to document any economic transaction, whether a sale or providing a service. However, an ordinary invoice is not without errors. For this, there are also the corrective invoices. When an invoice does not comply with current regulations, or when trying to make a correction, or in the event that the client wishes to make any returns, bills of amendment are the documents to which we must turn.

The summary invoice is another document that we must consider. This document is extremely useful to streamline billing processes, as it may include different economic operations aimed at the same target, made ​​within a time frame. In other words, this bill is like a recap of ordinary invoices within a time period, usually a month.

The amendment bill and the bill summary are two tools to amend or to expedite the ordinary invoice. Any professional or entrepreneur should know how it works.