This blog is meant to provide information on: "Business Documents", but specifically talk about "the INVOICE," a very important document, and widely used by traders, to have a clear accounting of its sales, and buyers likewise, have a support of what they buy. I hope this information is helpful.

1.3.- Summary Invoice

Issue an invoice to one consignee repeatedly can become a tedious process. To avoid these drawbacks and make the process simpler summary invoices exist that serve to group a series of bills.

A summary invoice provides the ability to group multiple invoices to one consignee and within the same month. But for this document to be valid, it is necessary to cancel the invoices.

This bill, having the same legal value as an ordinary invoice, must also meet the same basic requirements. Therefore, not only the summary invoice must show the total value of sales for the month, but should give a brief description of all operations are grouping.

With these guidelines, a summary invoice streamlines and simplifies the billing process, but always respecting the regulations established by law.