This blog is meant to provide information on: "Business Documents", but specifically talk about "the INVOICE," a very important document, and widely used by traders, to have a clear accounting of its sales, and buyers likewise, have a support of what they buy. I hope this information is helpful.

Definition of Invoice

The bill, invoice or commercial invoice is a commercial document that reflects all the information in a sales transaction. The fundamental information that appears on an invoice must reflect the delivery of a product or providing a service, along with the date of accrual, besides indicating the amount payable.

Furthermore, should appear on the invoice data sender and recipient, the details of the products and services provided, the unit prices, total prices, discounts and taxes.

The bill is considered the tax receipt to delivery of a product or providing a service, which affects the taxpayer issuer (seller) and the taxpayer recipient (buyer). The bill is the only tax receipt, which gives the recipient the right to deduct input tax (VAT). This does not apply to replacement of invoice documents, receipts or tickets.

In some countries, the bill has no legal value in court when demand payment of a debt. In the claim for payment of the judgment amount invoice document is preferably used as evidence of debt, but also used other as the delivery note.

In Europe, the billing rules are governed by the Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC that further defines taxes such as VAT (value added tax) in English VAT (Value Added Tax).

Identifying tax in the European Union standardizes how to code for companies to facilitate tax control.